reuse charcoal for barbecue

Can You Reuse Charcoal? [Grilling & Smoking]

How do you reuse charcoal while still keeping it effective and safe? Learn how to recycle lump charcoal and briquettes the right way with our barbecue guide. Buying new charcoal every time you smoke or grill on your barbecue can quickly add up. And even if you’re cooking for a long time, you’re bound to … Read more

how to put out charcoal grill

How to Put Out a Charcoal Grill (BBQ Tip)

Charcoal grilling is a cooking art like no other – but how should you deal with lit charcoal embers and coals once the party’s winding down? From vent management to disposing of briquet ash, here’s how to put out your charcoal grill quickly and safely.

best lighter fluid substitutes

4 Best Lighter Fluid Substitutes [Easy Grill Fuel Alternatives]

Easy substitutes for lighter fluid to start your charcoal grill. From charcoal chimneys to newspapers, these alternatives will have your backyard grill going in no time. Lighting a charcoal grill can be tough work, and can be made all the harder if you don’t have any lighter fluid to hand. While I would always suggest … Read more